Draft Notification for Notifying Eco-sensitive Zones of Campbell Bay National Park and Galathea National Park Published; Objections and Suggestions on the Proposed Draft Notification Invited from Public

Campbell Bay, 02 Jan 2021

Separate Draft Notifications for notifying Eco-sensitive Zones of Campbell Bay National Park and Galathea National Park have been placed in the website of Andaman and Nicobar Administration for scrutiny by the public. Members of the Public can download the Draft Notification and send in their objections and suggestions to the Secretary, Ministry of Environment, Forest and Climate Change, Indira Paryavaran Bhavan, Jorbagh Road, Aligunj, New Delhi-110 003 or Email it to  esz-mef@nic.in within sixty days of the date on which the draft regulation was placed before the public. The draft regulations were published in the website of Andaman and Nicobar Administration (www.andaman.gov.in) on 20th of November 2020.

The draft regulation which will be considered on or after the expiry of the sixty day period notifies Campbell Bay National Park Eco-sensitive Zone in an area of 65.81 Square Kilometres around the boundary of Campbell Bay National Park. The extent of spread of the Eco-sensitive Zone will be from 0 to 1 Kilometre from the boundary of the National Park.

Another draft regulation notifies the Galathea National Park Eco-sensitive Zone in an area of 14.93 Square Kilometres around the boundary of Galathea National Park. The extent of spread of the Eco-sensitive Zone will be from 0 to 1 Kilometre from the boundary of the National Park.

The following activities shall be prohibited in the Eco-sensitive Zones of both the National Parks once the notification is considered:  (1) Commercial mining, stone quarrying and crushing units. (2) Setting of industries causing pollution (Water, Air, Soil, Noise etc.) (3) Establishment of major hydroelectric project. (4)Use or production or processing of any hazardous substance. (5)Discharge of untreated effluents in natural water bodies or land area. (6) Setting up of new saw mills. (7) Setting up of brick kilns. (8) Use of polythene bags. (9) Commercial use of firewood. (10) Commercial establishment of hotels and resorts. (11) Construction activities. (12) Small scale non polluting industries. (13) Felling of trees. (14) Commercial extraction of surface and ground water. (15) Introduction of Exotic species. (16)Practice river aquaculture and fishing by the help of mechanised boats in large scale commercial manner. 

The following activities shall be regulated in the Eco-sensitive Zones of both the National Parks once the notification is considered: (17) Erection of electrical and communication towers and laying of cables and other infrastructures. (18) Infrastructure including civic amenities. (19) Widening and strengthening of existing roads and construction of new roads. (20) Undertaking other activities related to tourism like over flying over the Eco-sensitive Zone area by hot air balloon, helicopter, drones, Microlites, etc. (21) Movement of vehicular traffic at night. (22) Ongoing agriculture and horticulture practices by local communities along with dairies, dairy farming, aquaculture and fisheries. (23) Discharge of treated waste water/effluents in natural water bodies or land area. (24) Establishment of large-scale commercial livestock and poultry farms by firms, corporate and companies. (25) Open Well, Bore Well, etc for agriculture or other usage. (26) Solid Waste Management (27) Eco-tourism. (28) Commercial Sign boards and hoardings. (29)Commercial Sign boards and hoardings. (29) Traditional fishing practices.

The following activities shall be promoted in the Eco-sensitive Zones of both the National Parks once the notification is considered: (30) Collection of Forest Produce or Non-Timber Forest Produce. (31) Protection of Hill Slopes and river banks. (32) Agriculture and Horticulture practices by PVTG and Nicobarese. (33) Rain water harvesting. (34) Organic farming. (35) Adoption of green technology for all activities. (36) Cottage industries including village artisans, etc. (37) Use of renewable energy and fuels. (38) Agro-Forestry. (39) Plantation of Horticulture and Herbals. (40) Use of eco-friendly transport. (41) Skill Development. (42) Restoration of Degraded Land/Forests/Habitat. (43) Environmental Awareness.

Both the draft notifications also proposes to constitute a monitoring committee, comprising of (1) Deputy Commissioner, Nicobar District as Chairman (2) Member, Zilla Parishad, Campbell Bay as Member (3) Executive Engineer, APWD, Campbell Bay as Member (4) Director, Agriculture or his representative as Member (5) Director, Fisheries or his representative as Member (6) Senior Veterinary Officer, Campbell Bay as Member (7) One member of a NGO working in the field of Environment nominated by Union Territory Govt. as Member (8) One expert in environment or ecology or wildlife from a reputed Institution to be nominated by Union territory Government (9) Representative of Andaman and Nicobar Islands Biodiversity Council as Member (10) Divisional Forest Officer, Nicobar Division as Member Secretary.

It is important here to note that in both the  draft notifications the Member, Zilla Parishad, Campbell Bay is proposed as a member of the Monitoring Committee whereas the Galathea National Park falls adjacent to the jurisdiction of the Member, Zilla Parishad, Laxmi Nagar. Further only one public representative is proposed as a member of the Monitoring Committee. The public leaders of Great Nicobar should go through the draft regulation and send in their objections and suggestions within time. Such draft notifications when made public, should be taken up in Gram Sabha and open discussion on each and every aspect should be held and suggestions and objections of the public should be sent by the respective panchayat to the appropriate authority.

One Reply to “Draft Notification for Notifying Eco-sensitive Zones of Campbell Bay National Park and Galathea National Park Published; Objections and Suggestions on the Proposed Draft Notification Invited from Public”

  1. The is land is functioning good and establishment of eco sensitive zones are not required.. Wildlife is protected well enough… I’m more worried about the activities that will be allowed .

    So it a Big NO NO

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