EHL Serving the Southern Group with all its Might

Dilip Tirkey

Port Blair, 26 May 2021

Ellon Hinengo Limited, the Central Tribal Cooperative Society is doing everything possible to serve the islanders of the Southern Group of Islands amidst COVID-19 pandemic. M.V Bay Island the ship owned by EHL has sailed today for Car Nicobar carrying much needed essential commodities for the residents.

The Ship is carrying 84 kl Diesel for Electricity Department, 100 barrels of Petrol and 100 barrels of Diesel for EHL Petrol Pump, 1200 LPG Cylinders, 198.19 Mt of provisions including ration, vegetables, mineral water etc. 

M.V Bay Island will reach Car Nicobar within 24 hours and will replenish the much needed essentials during this time of the pandemic.

M.V Ebrahim Ali Hussain another ship owned by EHL will sail for Campbell Bay, Nancowry and Car Nicobar within 5-7 days carrying essential commodities and other cargo for the remote Islands of the Nicobar District.

M.V Ebrahim Ali Hussain will be carrying 1800 LPG Cylinders, 150 barrels of petrol, 200 barrels of Diesel, 96 kl Diesel for Electricity Department, 200 Mt of Provisions including vegetables and 25 Mt of Wheat Flour (FPS Supply) for Campbell Bay. 

Mr. Aslam Mazid, First Captain of Kamorta had requested Mr. Amin Moosa, MD, EHL yesterday to arrange transport of essential cargo to Nancowry Group and honouring his request EHL made arrangements to transport 45 Mt of Provisions and 15Mt of Perishable cargo for Kamorta. An additional 100 Mt of provisions, petrol and diesel will be transported to Car Nicobar by M.V Ebrahim Ali Hussain.

The transportation of essentials and other cargo by these two ships of EHL will bring much needed respite for the Islanders living in different Islands of the Nicobar Group.

Nicobar Times spoke to Mr. Amin Moosa, Managing Director of EHL who expressed gratitude towards DC South Andaman and DC Nicobar for facilitating e-passes to those involved in the essential service of shipping, loading and unloading etc. on time, which enabled M.V Bay Island to sail on time to Car Nicobar and also enabled loading of cargo on M.V Ebrahim Ali Hussain.