Tarun Karthick
Port Blair, 15 March 2023
The sudden rise in power demand has created severe paucity of 5 to 6 MW power in Port Blair and adjoining areas of South Andaman. In view of this, a detailed demand side management has been prepared to ensure optimal utilisation of available power to avoid rotational load shedding.

In pursuance of same, the following directions have been issued:
- Govt. Office timings shall be 0730 hrs to 1630 hrs except DC office, Police Deptt., Govt. Hospitals, Control Rooms of PBMC, PWD & Electricity Departments.
- All Government buildings shall switch off their Air Conditioners, garden lighting from 1730 to 2030 hrs. Optimal utilization of lights in office premises be ensured and unnecessary lightning may be switched off. Air Conditioners used during day hours be operated at 26 degree Celsius and be used with ceiling fans.
- All commercial shops shall close by 1900 hrs compulsorily.
- Use of High masts shall be avoided from 1730 to 2030 hrs by PMB, DSS, PBMC & Pradhans. In case operation of high mast becomes essential by DSS/ PMB, the same shall be met through their standby DG sets.
- PMB/DSS shall ensure to meet shore supply power requirement from 1730 to 2030 hrs through their own standby DG sets.
- All Government establishments functioning beyond 1700 hrs, installed with DG sets shall be on captive generation (operate their DG sets) from 1730 to 2030 hrs.
- All hoteliers/Cine Theatres shall be on captive generation from 1730 to 2030 hrs.
- All Industrial consumers like bakery, ice plant/cold storage, fabrication units etc., shall meet their power requirement through captive generation from 1730 – 2030 hrs. In case of non-availability of standby DG sets, they will suspend work from 1730-2030 hrs.
- Consumers in all categories shall avoid usage of high power consuming gadgets like A.C, Geysers, Microwave etc., with optimum utilization of lighting from 1730 – 2200 hrs.

The HODs shall form teams to ensure strict compliance of the above directions in larger public interest for monitoring of energy conservation in their respective Departments. The teams will also be responsible to create awareness among the co-workers on energy saving tips and firmly ensure compliance of all the above directions.
All HODs have been asked to sensitize their staff and employees for ensuring compliance of the above directions.