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Fishermen Community to Continue Road Blockade at Campbell Bay; Public to Face Inconvenience Again on 9th Nov

Tarun Karthick

Campbell Bay, 08 November 2021

Fishermen community staged road blockades today at Campbell Bay to press for their demand of not letting a legally licensed longline fishing boat to operate. The members of the fishermen community gathered in large numbers at Zero Point and blocked the main junction, they also blocked the escape route road near BSNL Exchange to stop any motorists from travelling.

Assistant Commissioner, Campbell Bay visited the protest site during afternoon hours and spoke to the protesting members of the fishermen community. He also informed the members of the fishermen community that a signal has been received from the Directorate of Fisheries to prioritise the issue of Ice Blocks to the traditional fishermen and to ensure that their livelihood is not affected.

The Assistant Commissioner ensured that the Administration will look into the demands of the members of the fishermen community and informed that to take a decision the administration needs time. The Assistant Commissioner repeatedly requested the members of the fishermen community to withdraw their road blockade. The members of the fishermen community were adamant that they will only open the road blockade when it is given in writing that the long line boat procured by the local contractor will not be allowed to operate.

The fishermen community continued their blockade and raised slogans against the operation of the long line fishing boat, the Director of Fisheries and the local administration.

The members of the fishermen community allowed some scheduled bus trips to operate, but many people faced problems because the busses were operating from the other side of the blockade and people had to walk some distance to reach the busses.

Ambulance and emergency vehicles were allowed to operate normally, but the general public faced a lot of inconveniences as they were not allowed to travel on their vehicles.

During the evening hours, the members of the community again had a meeting with the Assistant Commissioner, Campbell Bay but no solution was found and it was decided by the community to continue the protests again on 9th November.

The protests are likely to intensify tomorrow and the members of the community are reportedly planning to increase the number of blockades at Campbell Bay.

The general public of Campbell Bay will again face a lot of inconvenience tomorrow because of the road blockades.

Many people have expressed their anguish on the road blockades by the members of the fishermen community, which is causing huge inconvenience to them. 

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