Foundation Day of Maharashtra and Gujarat Celebrated at Andaman & Nicobar Raj Nivas

Tarun Karthick

Campbell Bay, 03 May 2023

In line with the directions of Govt. of India to States/Union Territories that all the States/UTs shall celebrate not only their own Statehood days but also the State formation days of others States and in order to promote ‘Ek Bharat Shreshtha Bharat’ concept, A & N Raj Niwas celebrated the foundation days of States of Maharashtra and Gujarat in a befitting function organised on 01st May 2023. 

A good number of people of Gujarati and Maharashtrian origin settled in A & N Islands enthusiastically participated in the function. A short video documentary on the formation days of Gujarat and Maharashtra was screened followed by interaction of participants. Mr. Kishore Kshirsagar Lakshman, IAS, Secretary to the Hon’ble Lt. Governor, A & N Islands acknowledged the contribution of people of Gujarat and Maharashtra origin in making A & N Islands truly a ‘Mini India’. The invitees were also presented with Coffee Table Book on A & N Islands and group photographs were clicked.