Fraudsters Employ Thermal Imaging and AI to Crack ATM PIN, Andaman and Nicobar Police Issues Advisory

Tarun Karthick

Port Blair, 18 November 2023

A sophisticated attack technique leveraging thermal imaging and Artificial Intelligence (AI) has emerged, targeting passwords and PINs entered on keyboards or screens. Fraudsters are utilizing this method to decipher access codes used in ATMs, POS machines, and keypad-secured doors by analysing the heat signatures left by fingertips during entry.

By combining thermal imaging technology with AI algorithms, criminals can accurately predict passwords based on the thermal impressions left on surfaces. The brighter areas on the thermal images correspond to recently touched regions, aiding in decoding PINs and passwords.

Responding to this security threat, the Andaman and Nicobar Police have issued a comprehensive advisory to help individuals safeguard themselves from potential attacks:

Safety Measures Recommended by Andaman and Nicobar Police:

1. Choose Guarded and Monitored ATMs: Avoid using unguarded ATMs lacking proper surveillance through video cameras.

2. Inspect for Suspicious Attachments: Thoroughly examine ATMs for any unusual attachments, especially within ATM rooms or on the machines. Conceal the keypad while entering the PIN for added security.

3. Generate Random Heat Signatures: Before leaving ATM machines, POS terminals, or smart locks, press multiple random number keys to create non-meaningful heat signatures.

4. Verify Bank Communications: Review all SMS and email notifications from your bank regarding transactions. Immediately contact your bank upon detecting any suspicious activity or transaction.

For assistance, guidance, or inquiries related to cybersecurity concerns, individuals can reach out to the Cyber Cell in Port Blair via the Cyber Helpline Number: 9531856083 or access further information by visiting

This advisory aims to heighten public awareness and promote proactive measures to mitigate the risk posed by this innovative fraud tactic. The collaboration between technology and vigilant security practices becomes increasingly crucial in safeguarding personal information and financial assets.