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Govind Nagar Beach at Great Nicobar Inaugurated for Musical and Cultural Events

Tarun Karthick

Port Blair, 13 September 2022

Govind Nagar Beach (Fish Landing Point) at Great Nicobar was recently inaugurated for organising musical and cultural events. The beach is located at a picturesque location and will be utilised for organising various events for the entertainment of tourists as well as locals.

Gram Panchayat Govind Nagar under the leadership of Mr. Venkat Rao, Pradhan developed the beach by installing lights, painting walls etc.

Mr. Venkat Rao informed Nicobar Times, that every weekend SHGs will put up food stalls at the beach and various musical and cultural events will be organised.

Mr. Venkat further added that the beach and the facilities made available will be maintained by the Panchayat regularly.

The general public has appreciated Gram Panchayat Govind Nagar for developing the beach for organising various musical and cultural events. Great Nicobar earlier lacked a permanent venue for organising activities for the entertainment of the locals.

The efforts of the Pradhan of GP Govind Nagar and other PRI members are laudable. The beach will also help develop tourism in the remote Great Nicobar Island.

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