HumaneTouch and New Care Clinic Hosts Free Physiotherapy Health Camp in Wimberlygunj

Tarun Karthick

Port Blair, 22 July 2024

HumaneTouch, in collaboration with NEW CARE CLINIC Bamboo Flat and supported by the Gram Panchayats of Wimberlygunj and Kanyapuram, organized a free physiotherapy health camp at Crescent Public School, Wimberly Gunj, on July 22, 2024. The camp, held from 9:00 AM to 12:00 PM, provided essential health services to the community, benefitting 54 individuals with free blood pressure and diabetes testing and physiotherapy exercise demonstrations.

The event was graced by Dr. Ganesh P, Managing Director of New Care Clinic and a Physiotherapist, who was joined by a team of esteemed doctors and specialists, including Dr. Utkarsh Kumar (MBBS), Dr. Mohammed Febin (MBBS), Dr. Rithik Raj (MBBS), and Physiotherapist Dr. Imran F. Lab Technician Pavithra also contributed their expertise to the patients.

This initiative aimed to offer vital health services and raise awareness about the importance of regular health check-ups. The camp was well-received by the community, and the organizers expressed their commitment to continuing such efforts in the future.