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ICGS Kamorta Organises Massive Beach Cleanup on International Coastal Cleanup Day-2024 at Champin Beach

Tarun Karthick

Sri Vijaya Puram, 22 September 2024

On 21st September 2024, Champin Beach witnessed a remarkable transformation during the International Coastal Cleanup-2024, an initiative spearheaded by the Indian Coast Guard Station Kamorta. The event brought together 350 volunteers from various sectors, including the local administration and school students, all united in their commitment to cleaning the coastline and raising awareness about marine conservation.

Volunteers worked diligently, collecting debris and learning about the profound impact pollution has on our oceans. The efforts culminated in the removal of approximately 160 kilograms of marine garbage, including 45 kilograms of plastic litter, significantly restoring the beach to its natural beauty.

The event kicked off with an inaugural ceremony, where key figures, including Assistant Commissioner Mr. Ravinder Kumar (DANICS), tribal chiefs, and the Station Commander of ICGS Kamorta, addressed the gathering. Their speeches emphasised the importance of maintaining beach cleanliness and safeguarding marine ecosystems for the future. 

In addition to its environmental impact, the event fostered a strong sense of community and collective responsibility toward preserving natural resources. Volunteers not only beautified the coastline but also took meaningful strides in promoting environmental stewardship. 

The Indian Coast Guard’s initiative succeeded in highlighting the urgent need for continued efforts to protect our oceans, ensuring a cleaner, healthier planet for future generations.

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