ICGS Vishwasht Leads Cleanup Effort on International Coastal Cleanup Day at Car Nicobar

Tarun Karthick

Port Blair, 16 September 2023

The pressing issue of ocean pollution and its devastating effects on marine life and coastal communities took centre stage as the Indian Coast Guard Ship ICGS Vishwasht spearheaded a dedicated cleanup initiative on Malacca Beach, Car Nicobar, in commemoration of International Coastal Cleanup Day.

As the world grapples with the alarming accumulation of plastic and debris in its oceans, the call to action becomes increasingly urgent. Statistics reveal that a staggering 60% of the thousands of tons of garbage in oceans consist of plastics, which persist in the marine environment for extended periods. In fact, every square mile of ocean is plagued by 46,000 individual pieces of plastic litter, highlighting the gravity of the situation.

International Coastal Cleanup Day, established by the Ocean Conservancy, is an annual event that addresses the challenges faced by our oceans. Originating in Washington State, United States, in 1986, it is now celebrated globally on the third Saturday of September each year.

The consequences of ocean pollution are multifaceted, affecting not only marine life but also humans and the livelihoods of those dependent on the ocean. Pollution poses a significant economic threat by deterring tourism and recreational activities that contribute vital income to coastal communities.

One of the essential aspects of ocean conservation is empowering individuals to actively participate in preserving and cleaning up their coastal environments.

In honour of International Coastal Cleanup Day, ICGS Vishwasht, under the leadership of Mr. Shiv Prasad, Commander, and with the esteemed presence of Mr. Rajiv Sowal, Station Commander, Air Force Station, Car Nicobar, organised a large-scale cleanup drive at Malacca Beach. Over 500 participants, including students, Air Force personnel, Coast Guard staff, police personnel, and local villagers, joined forces to clear the shoreline of accumulated waste and debris.

This significant collective effort underscores the commitment to safeguarding our precious marine ecosystems and the communities that depend on them. Such initiatives serve as a crucial step towards mitigating the adverse impacts of ocean pollution, promoting environmental awareness, and fostering a spirit of responsibility among the people of Car Nicobar.