ITF Celebrations Extended to Nicobar District After Nicobar Times Highlights Omission

Tarun Karthick

Campbell Bay, 03 December 2024

In a significant development, the cultural programmes of the Island Tourism Festival (ITF) 2024 have been extended to Nicobar District after Nicobar Times brought attention to its earlier exclusion. The revised itinerary now includes Car Nicobar for two days, Nancowry for one day, and Campbell Bay for one day.

The initial press releases from the Andaman and Nicobar Administration outlined that ITF cultural programmes featuring local and mainland artists would be hosted at multiple locations across South Andaman District and North & Middle Andaman District. These venues included the ITF Main Pavilion, Wandoor, Wimberlygunj, Baratang, Rangat, Mayabunder, Diglipur, Swaraj Dweep, Shaheed Dweep, and Little Andaman (Hut Bay).

However, Nicobar District was notably absent from the list, sparking questions about the exclusion. Nicobar Times addressed this omission in a report titled “Why is Nicobar District Left Out of ITF 2024 Celebrations Again?” published on 2nd December 2024.

Following this, a revised press release was issued, confirming the addition of three new venues in Nicobar District—Car Nicobar, Nancowry, and Campbell Bay—bringing the total number of locations for ITF programmes to 13. The report by Nicobar Times specifically mentioned these venues, underscoring the need for inclusive celebrations.

The updated press release also designates the Deputy Commissioner of Nicobar District to oversee the arrangements for the events in the region.

Island Tourism Festival 2024, a five-day celebration organized by the Tourism Department in collaboration with various line departments, will take place from December 27 to 31. It will showcase performances by artists from both the mainland and the islands.

The inclusion of Nicobar District in the festivities ensures the local population and government servants can participate in quality entertainment, fostering a sense of festivity as they welcome the New Year.