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Karnataka Tourism Minister Visits ANTOA Pavilion in IITM Bengaluru, Discusses Tourism Prospects in A & N Islands

Tarun Karthick

Port Blair, 28 July 2023

Mr. H K Patil, the Minister of Tourism for the Government of Karnataka, recently made a significant visit to the pavilion of the Andaman Nicobar Tour Operators Association (ANTOA) during the India International Travel Mart (IITM) at Bengaluru. The visit aimed to discuss and explore avenues for tourism development in the picturesque Andaman and Nicobar Islands.

Upon his arrival at the ANTOA pavilion, Minister Patil engaged in constructive conversations with the representatives of ANTOA, led by Mr. Bhuveshawaran, President, and Mr. Simson, General Secretary of the association. They apprised the Minister about the current state of tourism in the Andaman and Nicobar Islands and discussed various measures to enhance its growth potential.

A primary focus of the discussion revolved around improving connectivity between Bengaluru and Port Blair. ANTOA members informed the Minister about the increasing frequency of flights on this route, acknowledging its role in boosting tourist inflows from Karnataka to the Islands.

In addition to this, ANTOA members presented a key demand during the meeting – the provision of Leave Travel Concession (LTC) for Karnataka State Government Employees to travel to the Andaman and Nicobar Islands. They highlighted how such a move could encourage more tourists from Karnataka to explore the pristine beauty and unique experiences offered by the archipelago.

Expressing his keen interest in furthering the tourism prospects of Andaman and Nicobar Islands, Minister Patil assured the ANTOA delegation that he would take up their concerns with Mr. Kuldeep Rai Sharma, the Member of Parliament representing the Andaman and Nicobar Islands. Additionally, he pledged to send a delegation from Karnataka to the Islands to conduct an on-site assessment of potential collaborations and opportunities.

The interaction between the Minister and the ANTOA delegation was marked by enthusiasm and positivity, with both parties recognising the significance of fostering strong ties between Karnataka and the Andaman and Nicobar Islands in the realm of tourism.

The fruitful meeting left the Minister impressed with the efforts and vision of ANTOA in promoting tourism in the region. As a result, he expressed his appreciation for the opportunity to visit the ANTOA pavilion at IITM Bengaluru, acknowledging the pivotal role played by such events in fostering tourism development and collaboration among different regions of India.

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