Katchal Island Plunged Into Darkness: Residents Enduring Power Blackout for Over Three Days, Questions Arise Over Accountability

Tarun Karthick

Port Blair, 25 June 2024

For the past three days, residents of Katchal Island have been living in complete darkness due to a prolonged power blackout that began on 22nd June 2024. The blackout was triggered by a malfunction in the island’s only operational diesel generator, leaving the community without electricity and exacerbating their daily struggles.

Efforts by the Electricity Department to restore power have so far been unsuccessful, causing significant distress among the island’s residents. Despite continuous attempts to fix the issue, the department has failed to provide a solution, leaving many to question the competence and efficiency of the responsible authorities.

The island’s power house is equipped with four diesel generators, but local sources reveal that three of them had already developed faults and ceased functioning prior to the current crisis. The fourth generator, which had been maintaining the island’s power supply, also broke down, plunging Katchal into a complete blackout.

This situation raises serious questions about the Electricity Department’s maintenance and preparedness. Critics argue that there was ample opportunity to repair the faulty generators while the fourth generator was still operational. The failure to address these issues in a timely manner has now culminated in a total power outage, affecting the entire island.

The Electricity Department in Andaman and Nicobar Islands has frequently faced criticism for its service quality. Despite residents paying one of the highest power tariffs in the country, they often receive subpar service in return. The current blackout underscores a broader issue of neglect and mismanagement within the department.

Adding to the residents’ frustration is the silence from both the Andaman and Nicobar Administration and the Electricity Department. No official statements have been made to address the situation or to offer solidarity with the affected residents. This lack of communication has further fueled anger and resentment among the islanders.

Many are calling for accountability and demanding that senior officials in the Electricity Department be suspended for their role in this debacle. There is a growing sentiment that such a measure is necessary to set a precedent and to ensure that officials are held responsible for their actions.

As the blackout drags on, tensions on Katchal Island are escalating. Rumours of a major protest are circulating, as residents’ patience wears thin. The situation on Katchal Island serves as a stark reminder of the need for reliable infrastructure and responsive governance, especially in remote areas.

The unfolding crisis on Katchal Island highlights the urgent need for the Electricity Department to address its systemic issues and restore power to the island’s residents without further delay.