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LPG Refill Crises in Great Nicobar Island

Port Blair, Nov 18 2020

Residents of Campbell Bay had been facing severe LPG crises since the last few months, some residents were even compelled to use diesel based pump stoves because of non-availability of LPG refills.

The residents felt a sigh of relief when a ship reached Campbell Bay with LPG Cylinders a few days ago. Immediately CCS Ltd., the LPG agency at Campbell Bay  started distributing the LPG refills area wise. Today evening when the LPG truck reached Kamal Basti area of Campbell Bay, the residents lined up as usual to get their LPG Refills, they were informed midway that there are no more LPG refills available.

The residents were agitated and demanded that the CCS Manager show them the proof of distribution of the 2000 LPG refills received in the recent shipment. The CCS Manager anyhow managed the crowd and convinced them that, very soon by 5th of December 2020, another shipment of LPG refills will arrive and then these left out residents will be served first. 

Every three months the residents of Campbell Bay face problems because of non-availability of LPG Refills. The shipment which were recently received did not contain any Commercial LPG Refills, because of which the Food Business Operators of Great Nicobar will also face a lot of problems. 

Indian Oil Corporation Ltd. and CCS Ltd. should ensure that adequate number of LPG Refills are dispatched in every shipment for the remote Islands of the Nicobar District. 

The challenges of life in the remote Islands of Nicobar District are not limited to performing ones own job, but to struggle and face the crises of the most basic of amenities required to sustain human life.

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