Mass Cleanliness Drive at New Wandoor Beach by IP&T and Gram Panchayat Wandoor

Tarun Karthick

Port Blair, 01 October 2023

Responding to the call made by the Hon’ble Prime Minister of India, citizens of Wandoor came together in a show of unity and community spirit to observe Mass Shramdaan on October 1, 2023, as a tribute to Mahatma Gandhi on his birth anniversary. The Directorate of Information, Publicity, and Tourism (IP&T) in collaboration with the Gram Panchayat, Wandoor, orchestrated a massive cleanliness drive at the New Wandoor beach.

Leading the charge in this noble endeavour was the Secretary of IP&T, Mr. Binay Bhushan, who spearheaded the cleanliness campaign. Dr. Jatinder Sohal, the Director of IP&T, along with the dedicated staff of the department and local villagers, joined hands to make this initiative a resounding success. Mr. Adhir Das, the Pradhan of Gram Panchayat Wandoor, along with other Panchayat Raj Institution (PRI) members, actively participated in the drive.

Despite facing adverse weather conditions, including heavy rain, the collective determination of all stakeholders shone through. The participants diligently worked to clean up the New Wandoor beach, removing plastic bottles, glass bottles, cans, and debris. These items were carefully segregated and subsequently handed over to the Gram Panchayat, Wandoor, for safe disposal.

The Mass Shramdaan on Gandhi Jayanti not only paid homage to the Father of the Nation but also reinforced the importance of communal responsibility and environmental conservation in the hearts of the participants. Such initiatives underscore the spirit of unity and dedication to the principles upheld by Mahatma Gandhi, promoting a cleaner and greener future for the community.