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Member of Parliament Raises Alarm Over Muddy Water Supply Crisis in Kamorta Island

Tarun Karthick

Port Blair, 10 August 2023

The Member of Parliament representing the Andaman and Nicobar Islands, Mr. Kuldeep Rai Sharma, has turned the spotlight on a pressing issue affecting the residents of Kamorta Island. In an urgent plea, Mr. Sharma has drawn attention to the concerning problem of muddy water being supplied through pipelines in Kamorta and its nearby areas.

In a formal communication addressed to the Chief Secretary of the A & N Administration, Mr. Sharma highlighted the growing distress among Kamorta Island’s residents due to the persistent supply of muddy water through the pipelines managed by the Andaman Public Works Department (APWD). This issue has persisted for a troubling two-month period, leaving the island’s inhabitants grappling with the compromised quality of their water supply.

Notably, Kamorta Island is a remote region with limited access to essential services, including proper healthcare facilities. The ongoing supply of turbid water not only raises immediate health and hygiene concerns but also fuels anxieties among the island’s population.

Mr. Sharma’s concerns are grounded in the potential health risks posed by the consumption of contaminated water. Fears of waterborne diseases and illnesses have become palpable, putting the well-being of Kamorta’s residents at stake. He emphasized that immediate intervention is imperative to restore the community’s confidence in their water source and ensure their overall health.

Urging a comprehensive solution, Mr. Sharma has implored the Chief Secretary to take decisive action. He has called upon the concerned authorities to promptly identify the root cause of the muddy water issue and rectify the faults in the island’s water supply system. This step, he emphasized, is crucial not only for restoring a clean water source but also for rejuvenating a sense of security and well-being among the islanders.

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