MP Demands Hostel Accommodation for College Students at Port Blair

Tarun Karthick

Port Blair, 23 April 2023

Mr. Kuldeep Rai Sharma, Member of Parliament, Andaman and Nicobar Islands during his recent meeting with the Lt. Governor of A & N Islands highlighted the issue of shortage of accommodation for College Students at Port Blair. MP informed that he has received numerous grievances from the concerned parents and students regarding the lack of hostel accommodation for students of JNRM, ANCOL etc. 

He added that the shortage of hostel facilities has led to students, especially girls being forced to look for private accommodation, which is not only expensive but also raises safety concerns.

He added that many students from inter-islands are poor and cannot afford private accommodation, which increases the chances of dropping out and also affects academic performance.

He also informed that in many hostels, rooms are accommodated with twice or thrice of their rated capacity which is undesirable from a health and hygiene perspective and leads to a lack of concentration among students. 

MP sought the intervention of the Lt. Governor in this regard and suggested opening up the newly built girls’ hostel of ANCOL by completing the pending works as soon as possible. He also requested that some Govt. buildings may be identified to be converted into temporary hostels for college students until new hostel blocks are constructed.