MP Urges Promotion of Film Industry in A & N Islands, Calls for Infrastructure Enhancement and Single Window Clearance System

Tarun Karthick

Campbell Bay, 10 July 2023

Mr Kuldeep Rai Sharma, the Member of Parliament representing the Andaman and Nicobar Islands, has emphasized the urgent need to revitalize the film industry in the region by focusing on infrastructure development and simplifying administrative processes.

In a letter addressed to the Hon’ble Lt. Governor, Mr Sharma highlighted the natural beauty of the Andaman and Nicobar Islands, which has attracted some filmmakers in the past. However, he noted that the absence of essential facilities and a streamlined clearance system discourages many producers and directors from choosing the Islands as a shooting location, often opting for neighbouring Island nations instead.

The Member of Parliament requested the Hon’ble Lt. Governor’s intervention in establishing a single window clearance system for filmmakers seeking shooting permissions in the Andaman and Nicobar Islands. By streamlining the administrative procedures, this initiative aims to facilitate filmmakers’ access to the region and encourage the production of films that showcase the Islands’ scenic beauty.

Mr Sharma further urged the Hon’ble Lt. Governor to send a high-level team to visit prominent film cities such as Mumbai’s Film City and Hyderabad’s Ramoji Film City. The purpose of this visit would be to gain insights into the necessary infrastructure for film production, including trolleys, lighting, cables, and sound systems. Implementing similar facilities in the Andaman and Nicobar Islands would enable filmmakers to conveniently shoot films with advanced cameras and minimal additional equipment.

Highlighting the potential benefits of promoting the film industry, Mr Sharma outlined several significant outcomes:

1) Revenue Generation: The film industry’s growth would bring substantial revenue to the Andaman and Nicobar Administration. Filmmakers often invest significant sums in location shoots, including fees paid to the local administration.

2) Increased Tourism and Brand Image: By offering a streamlined process and improved facilities, the Islands would attract more filmmakers, elevating the international profile of the Andaman and Nicobar Islands. This, in turn, would promote tourism and enhance the region’s brand image.

3) Job Creation: The expansion of the film industry would create employment opportunities for local youth. Past filmmakers have shown a preference for hiring local talent, providing them with remuneration. Additionally, the development would generate employment for tour operators, cab owners, boat operators, and various other sectors, stimulating the local economy.

4) Showcasing Local Talent: Promoting the film industry would serve as a platform to exhibit the untapped potential and talent residing in the Andaman and Nicobar Islands at national and international levels. Cinema can provide an avenue to discover and showcase the region’s immense talent.

Mr Kuldeep Rai Sharma’s proposal aims to invigorate the film industry, not only for economic growth but also as a means to highlight the rich cultural heritage and natural splendour of the Andaman and Nicobar Islands.