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Multispeciality Outreach Health Camp Organized at Paschimsagar

Tarun Karthick

Port Blair, 01 August 2024

A comprehensive multi-specialty outreach health camp was organized at Paschimsagar by the Community Health Centre (CHC), Diglipur, in collaboration with the Primary Health Centre (PHC), Kishorinagar, and Gram Panchayat Paschimagar. The camp was conducted under the supervision of the Chief Medical Officer in charge (CMO i/c) of CHC, Diglipur.

The camp featured a team of specialists, including Dr. Shipra Mistry, Medical Officer (Ayurveda); Dr. T. Abdul Rahim, Medical Officer (Homoeopathy); and Dr. Diksha, Medical Officer (Dental). They were supported by a team of Health Educators (HE), Lady Health Visitors (LHV), Community Health Officers (CHO), Integrated Counselling and Testing Center (ICTC) counsellors, and other field staff from CHC Diglipur and PHC Kishorinagar. The event was held in the presence of Pradhan Paschimsagar, Mr. Umashankar Sarkar, and other Panchayati Raj Institution (PRI) members.

The camp began with a welcome address by Pradhan Paschimsagar. Dr. Shipra Mistry then delivered an informative talk on Leptospirosis, Dengue, and Malaria. The camp offered Ayurvedic, Homeopathic, and Dental consultations, Non-Communicable Disease (NCD) screenings, Adult BCG vaccinations, and the distribution of medicines for general ailments.

The event saw a large turnout, with many children and elderly persons benefiting from the services provided. Pradhan Paschimsagar expressed gratitude to the Deputy Commissioner of North and Middle Andaman and the Directorate of Health Services (DHS), Port Blair, for organising the health camp in such a remote location. He also requested that similar camps be conducted in the future to continue benefiting the people of Paschimsagar.

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