Nicobar Forest Division & SAI STC Celebrates 75th Vanmahotsav-2024 with Enthusiastic Participation from Young Athletes

Tarun Karthick

Port Blair, 02 July 2024

The Nicobar Forest Division, Department of Environment & Forest, in collaboration with the Sports Authority of India (SAI), STC Car Nicobar, under the Ministry of Youth Affairs and Sports, celebrated the 75th Vanmahotsav-2024 in a grand manner at the Modern Sports Complex in Lapathy Village. The event witnessed enthusiastic participation from young athletes, making it a memorable occasion.

Ms. Jyoti Kumari, IAS, Deputy Commissioner of Nicobar, graced the inaugural ceremony as the chief guest. In her address, she emphasized the importance of forests and highlighted the significance of wildlife for the tribal communities. She encouraged the young trainees from SAI Car Nicobar to take proactive steps in maintaining environmental cleanliness and ensuring forest conservation efforts.

The Center In-Charge of SAI STC Car Nicobar echoed this sentiment, urging every member of the Center to plant and nurture four trees within the campus as part of a collective initiative to promote environmental stewardship.

Situated on the eastern shores of Car Nicobar, Lapathy Village is known for its abundant greenery and healthy forest cover. Mr. K. Rama Rao, Forest Officer (Beat Officer) of Car Nicobar, shared valuable insights during the event. He noted that 85% of the trees planted in and around the Center last year are thriving well. To further bolster their efforts, the Forest Department planted an additional 151 tree saplings in the vicinity of the SAI Centre.

The 75th Vanmahotsav-2024 celebration was a testament to the collaborative efforts of various organizations and the community’s commitment to preserving and enhancing their natural environment.

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