No Meals for In-Patients at CHC Nancowry, Patients Suffering

Tarun Karthick

Port Blair, 22 August 2023

In a concerning development, the Community Health Centre (CHC) in Nancowry, a vital healthcare institution serving not only the local population of Nancowry but also residents of neighbouring islands like Katchal, Chowra, and Teressa, has left its in-patients without meals for the past four months, leading to distress among those seeking medical treatment.

CHC Nancowry, known for its advanced facilities, attracts patients from various islands who come seeking better healthcare services. However, the inability of the health institution to provide meals to its in-patients has raised significant concerns.

Balanced and tailored meals are crucial for the recovery of patients, and government health institutions in the Andaman and Nicobar Islands have traditionally offered free meals to in-patients to support their recuperation process.

Sources have confirmed that Mrs. Ayesha Majid, Chairperson of the Tribal Council of Nancowry, has taken up this pressing issue with senior officials of the District Administration.

In a conversation with the Nicobar Times, Mr. Aslam Majid, the First Captain of Kamorta, shed light on the reason behind the absence of meal provisions for patients at CHC Nancowry. He cited the non-renewal of the contract awarded for the supply of meals as the primary cause of this issue. Mr. Aslam Majid urged senior officials from the Directorate of Health Services to promptly address and resolve this matter.

The greatest impact of this situation is felt by in-patients who travel from far-flung areas and distant islands to receive treatment at CHC Nancowry. Presently, they are compelled to purchase their meals from the local market, adding to their financial burden.

The lack of meal provisions at the Community Health Centre not only hampers the well-being of patients but also underscores the need for immediate action to rectify the situation and ensure that individuals seeking healthcare services receive the support they require during their recovery.