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Paan-Stained Washbasin and Roofless Toilet at PHC Campbell Bay Delay Patient Recovery

Tarun Karthick 

Port Blair, 20 May 2024

The Primary Health Centre (PHC) at Campbell Bay, the leading healthcare institution serving the residents of Great Nicobar Island, is facing severe criticism over its deteriorating conditions.

Recent reports by Nicobar Times revealed alarming deficiencies within the Dental Unit of PHC Campbell Bay, highlighting the lack of essential equipment such as a functioning dental chair and a Dental X-Ray machine.

New revelations have surfaced, exposing even more concerning conditions. One of the toilet blocks at the PHC is roofless, and the washbasin in the same block is marred with paan stains, creating an unsanitary environment for patients and staff.

PHC Campbell Bay caters to the entire population of ex-servicemen settlers and their families. These individuals, who have significantly contributed to the nation, are now forced to endure substandard healthcare services due to what appears to be gross mismanagement by the staff, including the Medical Officer In-Charge.

Sources indicate that the mismanagement at PHC Campbell Bay has reached intolerable levels, causing significant distress to patients. The issues are not limited to the male ward toilet; almost all facilities at the PHC fall short of acceptable standards.

In-patients have reported being forced to sleep on blood-stained bed sheets and dirty linen despite voicing their objections. This neglect has further compounded the difficulties faced by patients in their recovery process.

The Directorate of Health Services is under fire for the appalling state of healthcare at the Southernmost Frontier of the country. Immediate action and accountability are being demanded to rectify these severe lapses and ensure that the ex-servicemen settlers and their families receive the quality healthcare they deserve.

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