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Pahargaon Police Station Lodges First Zero FIR Under New Criminal Laws

Tarun Karthick

Port Blair, 03 July 2024

Pahargaon Police Station has lodged the first Zero FIR in Andaman and Nicobar Islands under the provisions of the new criminal laws, which came into effect on July 1, 2024. These reforms aim to enhance transparency, accessibility, accountability, and the swift redressal of public grievances.

The new criminal laws are designed to be more citizen and victim-friendly. A key feature is the introduction of the Zero FIR under Section 173 of the Bhartiya Nagarik Suraksha Sanhita (BNSS). This provision allows a complainant to file a First Information Report (FIR) anywhere in the country, regardless of where the crime occurred. This measure ensures that legal proceedings can begin immediately, minimising delays by the police.

On the first day of the new laws coming into force, the South Andaman Police marked a significant achievement by successfully implementing the Zero FIR provision. This milestone was reached with the registration of ZERO FIR at PS Pahargaon and subsequent conversion of the first Zero FIR into regular FIR at the Aberdeen Police Station, both in the South Andaman District.

The landmark Zero FIR case involved a report of a sexual offence against a child. Initially recorded at the Pahargaon Police Station, it was determined that the crime occurred outside their jurisdiction. Acting swiftly, the Station House Officer (SHO) at Pahargaon invoked the new provisions, registering a Zero FIR in the Crime and Criminal Tracking Network and Systems (CCTNS). The FIR was then transferred to Aberdeen Police Station, where it was converted into a regular FIR and an Investigating Officer (IO) was promptly assigned to the case.

The process demonstrated the new system’s effectiveness in providing legal aid without causing the victim undue hardship. The inclusion of the Zero FIR provision in the BNSS enables victims to report crimes at the nearest police station, enhancing accessibility and comfort during a difficult time.

The successful implementation of these reforms underscores the dedication and collaborative efforts of the Andaman Police, working alongside all units and pillars of the Criminal Justice System (CJS). The Police Department ensured the training of personnel, the upgrading of technical infrastructure, and the creation of awareness about the new laws. The CCTNS team played a crucial role in the seamless integration and testing of these procedures, addressing issues through meticulous testing and training sessions.

Andaman & Nicobar Police reaffirm their commitment to upholding the highest standards of justice and service delivery. The successful implementation of the Zero FIR provision highlights their dedication to safeguarding the rights and well-being of every individual in the community. With a mission to serve and protect, the Andaman & Nicobar Police strive to build trust, foster community partnerships, and deliver justice impartially.

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