Passengers Suffer as Waiting Shed On Mus Jetty in Pathetic State

Mohammed Saheed

Car Nicobar, 28 July 2022

The passengers travelling by ship from Car Nicobar currently have to suffer a lot during the rains due to the pathetic condition of the passenger waiting shed on Mus Jetty.

Mus is the only Jetty at Car Nicobar operational post Tsunami and it handles all the ship passenger traffic to and from Car Nicobar.

According to the locals, the condition of the passenger waiting shed has been deteriorating for years, but the department has not made any efforts to repair it.

At present the roof of the passenger waiting shed is almost non-existent and the passengers have no place to take shelter during the rains.

The passenger waiting shed was also used by the traders to store their cargo temporarily during unloading, but now even the traders suffer as their cargo gets severely damaged during inclement weather due to the condition of the shed. 

Nicobar Times spoke to the Wharf Superintendent of Car Nicobar over the phone and he informed that he has already intimated about the condition of the passenger waiting shed to the higher authorities at Port Blair. He added that any action for the repair of the shed has to be taken from Port Blair.