Patients Suffer Due to Dearth of Essential Equipment at Dental Unit of PHC Campbell Bay

Tarun Karthick

Port Blair, 19 June 2024

The Primary Health Centre (PHC) in Campbell Bay is a vital healthcare institution for residents of Great Nicobar. For many, it is their primary source of medical care, but recent findings reveal significant shortcomings in the PHC’s dental unit, putting patient care at risk.

Great Nicobar Island has two PHCs, with the secondary facility in Gandhi Nagar lacking the necessary infrastructure to function effectively. This leaves PHC Campbell Bay as the primary healthcare provider for the island’s population.

Despite having a dental unit and a dentist, the functionality of this unit is severely hampered due to a shortage of essential equipment and medicines. Basic necessities like a properly functioning dental chair and dental X-ray equipment are missing, forcing patients needing even simple dental X-rays to travel to Port Blair.

The lack of auxiliary support staff, such as dental assistants, further cripples the unit’s operations. Medications prescribed by the dentist are frequently unavailable at the PHC’s pharmacy, pushing patients to purchase them from private pharmacies instead.

This dire situation has rendered the dental unit at PHC Campbell Bay nearly non-operational. Patients face the inconvenience and high costs of traveling to Port Blair for minor oral care needs. The financial burden of such trips, including transportation, lodging, and food, is a significant obstacle for many residents.

As a result, a substantial number of patients delay or forgo treatment, worsening their oral health issues and highlighting the urgent need to address the shortcomings at PHC Campbell Bay.

The Directorate of Health Services’ apparent neglect of the dental unit’s plight is a grave concern. Immediate action is needed to rectify this situation and ensure that the residents of Great Nicobar receive the comprehensive healthcare they deserve. Prioritizing the supply of essential equipment and medications to PHC Campbell Bay is crucial to alleviating the burdens faced by the island’s population.

3 Replies to “Patients Suffer Due to Dearth of Essential Equipment at Dental Unit of PHC Campbell Bay”

  1. The media is trying to expose the administration but does not dwell into the cause and effect. The cause is the lack of dedication by the ground level government servants of health and the effect is on the inhabitants of Nicobar. However, the cause by media is appreciated and the effect will be seen soon.

  2. The media is trying to expose the administration but does not dwell into the cause and effect. The cause is the lack of dedication by the ground level government servants of health and the effect is on the inhabitants of Nicobar. However, the cause by media is appreciated and the effect will be seen soon.

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