Police Crackdown on Bootlegging in N&MA District Yields Major Haul of Illicit Liquor

Tarun Karthick

Port Blair, 06 June 2023

In an effort to eliminate the circulation of illicit liquor and crack down on bootlegging activities, the N&MA District police have implemented a strategy of jungle search operations. These operations have proven highly successful in apprehending bootleggers and recovering significant quantities of illicit liquor.

On June 3, 2023, a major crackdown was carried out by a police team from OP Badam Nallah, consisting of Head Constable S. Sudarsanan, Constable Anurudhra Das, and Home Guard S. Thatha Rao. The team ventured deep into the dense forests of Basantipur, Govindapur, and Nimbudera, where they destroyed approximately 1600 liters of Lehan, a fermented wash used to produce illicit liquor. They also confiscated 50 kilograms of raw materials, utensils, and other equipment used in the distillation process. 

Additionally, another successful jungle search operation led by SI Pankaj Kumar Pandey, the SHO Rangat, resulted in the destruction of 120 liters of lahan found in eight tins within the Shyam Kund area’s dense forest. The swift and decisive actions of the police were met with high praise from the local community.

The District Police are firmly committed to taking strong action against bootleggers, illicit liquor, drug peddlers, and other illegal activities. They urge the general public to share any credible information regarding criminal or illegal activities with the nearest police station or through the phone numbers 100, 112, and 03192-273344. Informers can remain anonymous, and suitable rewards will be provided for their assistance.