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Power Situation Worsens in Port Blair City in Last Two Days

Tarun Karthick

Port Blair, 20 April 2023

The power situation in Port Blair has worsened over time in the last two years. Adding to the woes, inordinate and frequent power cuts are being experienced by consumers across parts of Port Blair city in the last two days.

Long power cuts during the peak summer heat are causing hardships for the consumers of the Electricity Department. 

What is more surprising is that the Electricity Department has not voluntarily disclosed any reason for the long and frequent power cuts. The Twitter account of the Electricity Department has not tweeted anything after 20th February 2023. 

It is shameful that after the lapse of so many months since the cries began, the Administration and the Electricity Department are unable to rectify the power situation in the Islands.

An order was passed for demand-side management of power, which put restrictions on businesses and Govt. Departments on the use of power during the peak evening hours, but it is surprising that the department and the administration have been completely silent on what is being done to increase the production of electricity. 

The residents are increasingly getting irritated due to the long and frequent power cuts and are demanding that the Administration take immediate steps to normalize power supply. 

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