Power Supply Restored in Katchal, Residents Demand Proper Repair and Maintenance of Diesel Generators

Tarun Karthick

Port Blair, 26 June 2024

After enduring a complete power blackout for more than three days, the residents of Katchal found relief on the evening of June 25, 2024, as the Electricity Department began restoring power to various areas of the island.

As of the morning of June 26, 2024, power supply has been restored across all areas, ending the prolonged blackout that had gripped the island since June 22. Residents, however, are now demanding that the Electricity Department repair all four diesel generators on the island and ensure their proper maintenance to prevent future outages.

The blackout began in the early hours of June 22, when the island’s only functional diesel generator developed faults and ceased operation. The power house in Katchal houses four diesel generators, three of which were already non-functional before the current crisis.

“It is unimaginable that an entire island was left without power for three days, especially in 2024 when technology is so advanced,” said one resident. “Responsibility should be fixed, and action should be taken against the senior officers of the Electricity Department responsible for this complete power blackout.”

Residents are calling for a high-level committee of senior officers to investigate the issue and hold those accountable for the lack of timely repairs. The community is particularly concerned about why the non-functional generators were not repaired in time to prevent such a crisis.

The power outage has highlighted the critical need for regular maintenance and proper upkeep of essential infrastructure to ensure the well-being of the residents and the smooth functioning of the island’s power supply system.