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PRI Members of Govind Nagar and Campbell Bay Meets Secretary (Rural Development)

Tarun Karthick

Port Blair, 29 November 2022

PRI Members of all three Panchayats of Great Nicobar Island are on a visit to Port Blair. On 28th November 2022, PRI Members of Govind Nagar and Campbell Bay met Mr. Suneel Anchipaka, IAS, Secretary, Rural Development, Andaman and Nicobar Administration.

The Developmental works under various Panchayats of Great Nicobar are on a standstill because of the non-availability of adequate Engineering Staff at Campbell Bay.

The PRI Members have been raising their grievances with the authorities of the Andaman and Nicobar Administration and have been demanding the posting of an adequate number of Engineering Staff viz. Junior Engineers and Assistant Engineer at Campbell Bay. 

The visiting PRI Members met the Secretary (Rural Development) and informed him of the problems they are facing due to the non-availability of adequate Engineering Staff. The PRIs requested immediate redressal of the issue so that they can initiate various developmental works without any hurdles.

Mr. G Venkat Rao, Pradhan, GP Govind Nagar informed Nicobar Times that the Secretary (RD) gave positive assurance. Mr. Venkat further informed that the Secretary (RD) assured that to ensure the continuity of Developmental Works by various Panchayats in Great Nicobar, he will hand over the responsibilities to the Engineers of the Andaman Public Works Department at Campbell Bay. 

PRI Members have thanked the Secretary (RD) for the positive response.

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