PTS Prothrapur Celebrates 10th International Yoga Day with Enthusiasm and Commitment

Tarun Karthick

Port Blair, 22 June 2024

In a grand celebration of the 10th International Yoga Day, the Police Training School (PTS) in Prothrapur hosted a series of events under the theme ‘Yoga for Self and Society.’ The event saw active participation from 305 trainees and 25 officers, led by Mr. Manjeet Sheoran, IPS, Principal, and Mr. M.K. Shukla, DANIPS, Vice Principal. This year’s theme emphasised a dual focus on individual well-being and the collective health of the community.

The celebration’s centrepiece was an extensive yoga session conducted in the Drill Hall, which highlighted the participants’ dedication to physical fitness and mental well-being. This session demonstrated their commitment to the holistic benefits of yoga. The enthusiastic involvement of all attendees underscored the importance of yoga in fostering both personal health and societal harmony.

Experienced instructor Police Constable Brijesh Kumar Chaubey led the thorough yoga session. Participants engaged in various yoga poses and breathing exercises essential for improving flexibility, strength, and mental clarity. The session aimed to promote the significance of integrating yoga into daily routines for long-term health benefits.

To further commemorate International Yoga Day, a plantation drive was organised within the PTS campus. Officers and trainees collectively planted a variety of saplings, emphasising the importance of environmental conservation and the role of trees in sustaining a healthy ecosystem. This initiative aligns with the holistic approach of yoga, which includes respect for nature and the environment.

The dual activities of the yoga session and the plantation drive showcased PTS Prothrapur’s commitment to both personal and societal well-being. By promoting physical health through yoga and environmental health through tree planting, the institution demonstrated a comprehensive approach to fostering a balanced and sustainable future.

During the event, Mr. Manjeet Sheoran addressed the participants, highlighting the importance of yoga in daily life and the need for continuous efforts toward personal and environmental health. His address reinforced the event’s theme and the institution’s dedication to the holistic development of its members and the broader community.

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