Residents of Gol Tekri in Kamorta Struggle with Neglect as Infrastructure Issues Mount

Tarun Karthick

Port Blair, 04 September 2024

Residents of Gol Tekri in Kamorta are grappling with a series of infrastructure challenges that have severely impacted their daily lives, leaving them frustrated and concerned for their safety.

One of the most pressing issues is the deteriorating condition of the roads in the area. Potholes and uneven surfaces have made travel difficult and unsafe, especially during the rainy season when the roads become slippery and hazardous. Despite multiple complaints to the authorities, including a formal letter submitted over ten months ago, the Andaman Public Works Department (APWD) has yet to take any action to repair the roads. This inaction has left residents feeling neglected and anxious about their safety.

Adding to the residents’ woes are the overgrown grasses and vegetation that have taken over the area. The unchecked growth not only gives the neighbourhood a neglected appearance but also poses safety risks, particularly at night. Overgrown vegetation can harbour pests and obscure visibility, increasing the potential for accidents. Although residents have repeatedly requested that the authorities address this issue, their pleas have gone unanswered, leaving them feeling ignored.

Another critical concern for the residents is the lack of adequate street lighting in Gol Tekri. The limited number of streetlights and their poor maintenance have made it difficult for people to move around safely after dark. This is especially troubling for the elderly and children, who feel unsafe walking in poorly lit areas. The community has expressed their concerns repeatedly, stressing the need for proper lighting to ensure safety and security, but no action has been taken to address the problem.

The residents are also facing significant challenges with poor mobile network coverage, particularly from BSNL, which disrupts their ability to communicate and access essential services. In today’s digital age, reliable network connectivity is crucial for everything from emergency services to daily communication and work. The lack of adequate coverage has been a significant inconvenience for the community, further isolating them from essential resources and support.

Despite the persistent nature of these issues and numerous complaints lodged with the authorities, there has been little to no progress in addressing them. The residents of Gol Tekri are now urging Mr. Bishnu Pada Ray, Member of Parliament, Andaman and Nicobar Islands and other relevant authorities to take immediate action to resolve these problems. They believe that these improvements are necessary to create a safer and more liveable environment for the 25+ families residing in the area. The community hopes that their renewed appeal will finally lead to meaningful changes and a better quality of life for all.