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Saltwater Crocodile Captured Near Khara Nallah in Baratang to Ensure Safety of Residents

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Tarun Karthick

Port Blair, 01 August 2024 

A saltwater crocodile was successfully captured near Khara Nallah at South Creek under the Baratang Division on July 30, 2024. The capture operation was conducted with the approval of the Chief Wildlife Warden, prioritising the safety and security of local residents.

Frequent sightings of the crocodile had raised concerns among the nearby community. In response, a Joint Patrolling team, led by Ms. N.K. Parveen Shabnam, Forester and Beat Officer of South Creek, maintained a strict vigil on the animal’s movements and behaviour, recognising the imminent danger it posed to human life and property.

The capture operation adhered to standard operating procedures designed to minimise trauma to the animal. After its capture, the crocodile was translocated and placed in captive care at Biological Park, Chidiyatapu on the same day, ensuring the safety of both the animal and the residents.

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