Second Limestone Cave Inaugurated at Baratang to Boost Ecotourism

Tarun Karthick

Sri Vijaya Puram, 23 September 2024

In a move set to boost ecotourism and provide new employment opportunities for the local population, the Limestone Cave-II at Baratang was inaugurated on September 21, 2024, by the Principal Chief Conservator of Forests, A&N Islands, Mr. Sanjay Kumar Sinha, IFS. The opening ceremony took place in the presence of senior officers and staff from the Baratang Forest Division.

Limestone Cave-II, situated just 550 meters from the existing Limestone Cave-I, is expected to further elevate Baratang Island’s appeal as a premier tourist destination in the Andaman and Nicobar Islands. The new site not only enhances the island’s natural attractions but also aims to provide sustainable green employment to the local residents.

Limestone caves are naturally occurring cavities, formed over millions of years by the gradual dissolving of limestone rock. These caves are often adorned with intricate calcium carbonate formations known as speleothems, making them a popular draw for eco-conscious travellers. Baratang’s limestone caves have long been a key tourist attraction due to their unique and stunning natural formations.

What sets the Baratang limestone caves apart is the breathtaking journey to reach them. Tourists can take a scenic boat ride through mangrove-lined creeks, immersing themselves in the island’s pristine natural beauty before arriving at the caves. With the addition of Limestone Cave-II, visitors now have even more reason to explore this serene and ecologically rich destination.

The expansion of the Limestone Cave attractions is expected to further solidify Baratang’s position as a must-visit spot for both domestic and international travellers, while also reinforcing the island’s commitment to ecotourism and sustainable development.

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