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Services at Canara Bank, Campbell Bay Branch Restored Over the Weekend; Bank Functioning Normally Since Monday

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Tarun Karthick

Campbell Bay, 1 December 2021

Nicobar Times had earlier reported the news of Canara Bank, Campbell Bay Branch not functioning for two working days because of some issue. The bank branch did not function at all on Thursday and Friday last week causing heavy inconvenience to the customers.

The branch started functioning normally from Monday as the problem was resolved over the weekend. 

Customers are now able to do all transactions from the bank branch.

Canara Bank, Campbell Bay Branch is the only nationalised bank branch in Great Nicobar. Residents of Great Nicobar as well as the Govt. Servants posted in Great Nicobar are heavily dependent on the bank branch for all their banking needs.

Any issues which prevent the customers from executing their transactions even for an hour affects the entire population of Great Nicobar drastically.

The responsibility of the authorities of Canara Bank, Campbell Bay Branch is much more than any other bank branch because of the sole dependency of the residents of Great Nicobar on the bank branch. 

It is commendable that the authorities of the bank solved the issues with the functioning of the branch over the weekend and resumed normal transactions from Monday.

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