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Settlers Day Celebrated at Great Nicobar Island

Tarun Karthick

Port Blair, 24 April 2023

Great Nicobar is home to the Ex-Servicemen Settler Families settled by the Govt. of India between 1969 to 1980 on the Island.

The settlement of Ex-Servicemen Settlers in Great Nicobar began on 23rd April 1969. Total 69 Punjabi Ex-Servicemen Settler Families were settled in Great Nicobar in the year 1969. 

Every year the Ex-Servicemen Settler Families of Great Nicobar celebrate 23rd of April as Settlers Day.

A rally was organised on the occasion of Settlers Day in which the Ex-Servicemen Settlers and their family members enthusiastically participated. 

Mr. E S Rajesh, Pramukh, Campbell Bay, welcomed the gathering and spoke on the contributions of the settlers and the difficulties that the Ex-Servicemen Settlers had to face during the initial years of the settlement.

Several Ex-Servicemen Settlers also spoke on the occasion and remembered the memories they have of the time of their settlement. 

Assistant Commissioner, Campbell Bay was the Chief Guest on the occasion and the Commanding Officer of 154 INF Bn TA Bihar was the Guest of Honour.

Total 330 Ex-Servicemen Settler Families were settled in Great Nicobar Island by 1980, after which the scheme was closed down. 

The Ex-Servicemen Settler families were settled in Great Nicobar from different states of India viz. Punjab, Kerala, Andhra Pradesh, Tamil Nadu, Karnataka, Maharastra, Uttar Pradesh, Madhya Pradesh and Haryana.

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