SFI Forms State Organising Committee in Andaman & Nicobar, Opposes Deemed University

Tarun Karthick

Sri Vijaya Puram, 26 March 2025

A meeting of students from various educational institutions across the Andaman and Nicobar Islands was held at Sri Vijaya Puram on March 25, 2025. The gathering addressed several issues faced by students in the islands and decided to expand the activities of the Students Federation of India (SFI) across all educational institutions in the region.

The meeting concluded with the formation of a 15-member Andaman & Nicobar State Organising Committee of SFI, with Abdul Warish appointed as the Convener. The newly constituted committee aims to strengthen the presence of SFI in the islands and advocate for student welfare.

A key resolution adopted during the meeting was to oppose the Government of India’s decision to disaffiliate all colleges in the islands from Pondicherry Central University and affiliate them with the newly established Deemed University. The resolution highlighted concerns that the move could lead to an increase in student fees, among other challenges. The SFI has vowed to resist what it termed as an “anti-student” decision and pledged to mobilize support against the transition to the Deemed University system.

Prominent speakers at the meeting included D. Ayyappan, Chairman of the JNRM Alumni Association, Aswini P, Executive Committee Member of the Pondicherry University Students Council from Brookshabad Campus, and Abdul Warish.

The Students Federation of India reiterated its commitment to establishing a progressive, democratic, and egalitarian system that ensures social justice and intellectual self-reliance. The organization continues to champion the cause of a universal and free public education system that guarantees education for all, advocating for India’s advancement towards a socialist society promoting equality and dignity.

The SFI, which upholds the slogan “Independence, Democracy, and Socialism,” reaffirmed its resolve to safeguard the interests of students in the Andaman and Nicobar Islands.

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