Shopkeepers Offering Chocolates Instead of Change Warned by Civil Supplies & Consumer Affairs Directorate

Tarun Karthick

Sri Vijaya Puram, 25 September 2024

The Directorate of Civil Supplies & Consumer Affairs has received multiple complaints regarding shopkeepers offering chocolates to customers in place of returning small amounts of balance cash during transactions. This practice, which many consumers have found inconvenient, is being viewed as a serious violation of consumer rights.

In response, the Directorate has issued a warning to shop owners, urging them to ensure that sufficient change is available at all times to provide to customers. Additionally, shopkeepers have been advised to promote digital payment methods to avoid such situations and ensure smooth, hassle-free transactions.

Consumers who experience such violations are encouraged to report them to the Directorate of Civil Supplies & Consumer Affairs. Complaints can be submitted in writing or by contacting the Directorate’s Complaint Cell. 

According to an official press release, the department is taking these complaints seriously and is committed to upholding consumer rights across the region.

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