Tarun Karthick
Campbell Bay, 24 May 2021
Shops, Restaurants and Dive Centres in North Bay have reportedly suffered heavy damages due to the inclement weather caused by cyclone Yaas. Almost all the shops, restaurants and dive centres have lost a part of their roof and some of them have suffered extensive damages.
Tourism Industry of the Islands is already suffering losses since the past one year because of COVID-19 pandemic and the inclement weather caused by cyclone Yaas has brought more problems for the tourism industry stakeholders.

Nicobar Times spoke to Mr. M Vinod, President, Andaman Association of Tour Operators and he informed us that AATO will demand adequate compensation from A & N Administration for all properties and assets damaged due to cyclone Yaas.
There is an urgent need to provide compensation to the tourism industry stakeholders for the losses incurred because of this act of nature. Further necessary permissions need to be facilitated for those who hold assets in North Bay to travel and secure their assets from further damage.