Tarun Karthick
Port Blair, 27 March 2023
In a major setback for Congress, just three days before the election for Adhyaksh and Up-Adhyaksh of Zilla Parishad, North and Middle Andaman, six Zilla Parishad Members of Congress have resigned from the party.
Ms. Elizabeth, Adhyaksha, ZP N & M Andaman, Mr. Mahadeb Gain, ZPM, Radhanager, Mr. Pradip Das, ZPM, Subash Gram, Mr. Tapas Roy, ZPM Rangat, Mr. Ashok Howlader, ZPM Long Island and Ms. Sujata Dey, ZPM Urmilapur have written a common letter to President, ANTCC and have resigned from the party.
In their resignation letter the Zilla Parishad Members have mentioned ‘ANTCC does not have any leader who has the capacity to manage and have smooth functioning of the party.’
The members also mentioned ‘The upper leaders in this party have forgotten their basic ethics and have created a chaotic and hatred environment inside and out in the party.’
The members in the common letter also wrote ‘ We are living in the most cursed district of Andaman and Nicobar Island where, development and all basic facilities are only election agendas and no political party has any actual or honest interest to solve our problems, this is to remind you that, we are not your vote bank for your so called politics in the coming LS elections in 2024.’
Total 07 ZP Members have resigned from the Congress until now. Congress had 09 ZP Members in ZP North and Middle Andaman and was in majority before.