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Southern Group Students Stages Protest at IP&T Parking; Protest Called Off after Assurance from DC

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Tarun Karthick

Port Blair, 17 January 2021

More than a hundred students hailing from the southern group including Little Andaman today staged a protest at parking space opposite IP&T Office to press for their demand of providing ships for their safe travel to their respective home Islands.

The students who gathered earlier this morning were from various colleges of Port Blair and Mayabunder and are stranded after their colleges were closed down due to the increasing number of COVID-19 cases.

The students were facing several problems and were demanding scheduling of ships immediately for their safe travel to their homes.

Leaders from ABVP and NSUI were also present during the protest and supported the students.

Many students while speaking to Nicobar Times informed that they are facing problems even for food and shelter. Some students also informed that they are accommodating themselves in lodges and are facing financial difficulties. 

Students organisations NSUI and ABVP also took up the issue with the Deputy Commissioner, South Andaman District. A delegation of the protesting students also met the Deputy Commissioner along with the student leaders and the Deputy Commissioner assured that he will solve the problems of the students.

The students informed Nicobar Times that the Deputy Commissioner assured them that ships will be arranged for their safe travel shortly and he also sought a list of students facing problems.

The Deputy Commissioner also assured that assistance will be extended to those students facing problems.

The protesting students decided to call off the protest after assurance from the Deputy Commissioner, South Andaman District.

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