Startup Boot Camp at JNRM Empowers Aspiring Entrepreneurs

Tarun Karthick

Port Blair, 31 July 2024

In a significant move towards empowering students at Higher Education Institutions, the Directorate of Industries, in association with Jawaharlal Nehru Rajkeeya Mahavidyalaya (JNRM), organized a Startup Boot Camp at the college campus gallery. The program, guided and supported by Mr. Abhishek Bhukal, Director of Industries, aimed to provide students with a comprehensive understanding of the startup ecosystem, government support, funding opportunities, and innovative ventures in sectors such as disaster management and climate change.

The event attracted a diverse audience of around 150 students from various disciplines. Mr. Hemant Kumar Sharma, Principal of JNRM and chief guest of the event, emphasized the importance of self-employment through startups in the current economic climate. Mr. Ajit Anand, Deputy Director of Industries, highlighted the critical role of entrepreneurship in the Islands, followed by insightful remarks and examples from Mr. C. Raj, Director of RSETI, State Bank of India (SBI). The event also saw participation from various college faculty members, including Ms. Pearl Devdas, Dr. K.V. Ramana Murthy, and Ms. Ajitha.

The technical sessions commenced with a presentation by Mr. P.K. Ummer Farooq, Lead District Manager at SBI, on ‘Government Support and Funding for Startups and Allied Activities through Financial Institutions.’ His session provided valuable insights into the financial assistance available to budding entrepreneurs through banks.

Earlier, the Nodal Officer of Startup, Ms. S. Sunitha Kumari, welcomed the gathering. Dr. E. Yuvraj, Associate Professor of Disaster Management from Pondicherry University, Port Blair Campus, delivered a presentation on the ‘Scope of Startups in Disaster Management, Climate, and Allied Sectors in Andaman and Nicobar Islands.’ His talk highlighted the unique opportunities for startups in the region, particularly in addressing local environmental challenges and waste management.

The event also featured inspiring success stories from local startups. Mr. S. Sanjeev, Founder of M/s Sriko TI Group, shared their journey, offering insights into the challenges and successes they encountered along the way. Their stories served as a source of inspiration for the aspiring entrepreneurs in attendance.

The Boot Camp concluded with a vote of thanks proposed by Mr. Shahid Khan, Industries Promotion Officer. The 2024 Startup Boot Camp at JNRM has laid a strong foundation for fostering innovation and entrepreneurship among students, equipping them with the necessary tools and knowledge to navigate the startup ecosystem successfully.