State Bank of India Joins PBMC in Renovating Municipal Market Area

Tarun Karthick

Port Blair, 21 February 2024

In a bid to rejuvenate the old Municipal Shops and enhance the city’s aesthetic appeal, the Port Blair Municipal Council (PBMC) has embarked on a transformative journey with corporate social responsibility (CSR) funding. Spearheaded by the relentless efforts of PBMC Secretary Mr. Dilkhush Meena, IAS, a significant milestone has been achieved through collaboration with the State Bank of India (SBI).

The inaugural phase of this endeavour focuses on revitalising the market area adjacent to the SBI Head Office, located opposite the iconic Gandhi Statue. The initiative targets the refurbishment of the Small Shops (Gumties) near the SBI premises to breathe new life into the rundown structures. Recognising the dire need for this facelift, a proposal was tabled before SBI, which wholeheartedly embraced the initiative.

On February 16, 2024, Mr. Sujay Kumar Yadav, General Manager of State Bank of India, LHO, Kolkata, symbolized this partnership by presenting a CSR contribution of Rs. 10 lakhs to Mr. Dilkhush Meena, IAS, Secretary of PBMC. The ceremony took place at the PBMC Headquarters and witnessed the presence of officials from both SBI and PBMC.

This infusion of funds marks the commencement of a comprehensive revitalisation process aimed at not only enhancing the physical infrastructure but also fostering a vibrant and welcoming environment for local businesses and residents alike. PBMC envisions extending this collaborative effort to encompass additional market areas and shops in need of refurbishment.

Stakeholders are encouraged to actively participate in this initiative by partnering with PBMC to transform public spaces, ensuring they are accessible, clean, and serve as unique recreational hubs within the city. As PBMC continues its mission to revitalise urban landscapes, the support and engagement of the community and corporate entities are deemed instrumental in achieving sustainable development goals and fostering a sense of pride in the local environment.