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Students of Kamorta Suffer Due to Non-Availability of Teachers at GMSSS Goal Tekry

Tarun Karthick

Campbell Bay, 28 July 2022

Students studying in Govt. Model Senior Secondary School, Goal Tekry are suffering as many subject teachers are not available at the school since the start of the new academic session.

GMSSS Goal Tekry is the only school offering Science Stream for Senior Secondary Students in the whole of Kamorta Island.

Mr. Aslam Majid, First Captain, Kamorta informed Nicobar Times that at present the school is functioning without PGT Mathematics, PGT Physics, PGT Biology and PGT English. He added that the future of the children of Kamorta is at risk.

Mr. Aslam demanded that the Administration should take immediate action and ensure that the required teachers join their duties at Kamorta immediately, for the welfare of the students. 

Nicobar Times tried contacting the school authorities of Govt. Model Senior Secondary School, Goal Tekry, but couldn’t get through due to network issues.

Students studying in schools located in Port Blair and suburbs have the option of private tuition, but such facilities are not available in rural areas. The students of rural areas such as Kamorta and Great Nicobar are completely dependent on the classes conducted in schools. 

Non-Availability of teachers in schools located in rural areas badly affects the students, especially those students who have to appear in the board examinations. 

It has become a common practice for some teachers to not join their place of posting in rural areas on time. Such attitude of the teachers badly affects the students.

It is often seen that the Govt. Employees are ready to serve at any place, even in the most rural areas before they get permanent employment, but after being permanently employed some play all tricks in their book to avoid working in remote areas.

The students of remote areas also deserve quality education at par with their counterparts living in urban areas. There is very less being done to ensure proper quality education for rural students.

It is high time for the A & N Administration to concentrate on issues such as the availability of teachers in rural schools, the availability of adequate infrastructure etc. 

Teachers sincerely working in rural areas should be rewarded and those avoiding rural postings should be adequately punished.

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