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Students to be Administered with Albendazole Tablets for De-Worming in Schools and Anganwadis Across A & N Islands on 9th August

Tarun Karthick

Port Blair, 08 August 2024

In a concerted effort to combat the dual challenges of anaemia and worm infestation among children, the Government of India has reiterated its commitment to achieving an Anaemia Mukt Bharat (Anaemia-Free India) and ensuring a worm-free future for the younger generation. Worm infestation, a significant health concern, has been shown to severely impair the nutritional status of children, with lasting consequences on their growth, physical development, and cognitive abilities.

Worms in the human body consume vital nutrients, leading to blood loss, poor nutrition, and stunted growth in children. These health issues often leave children too weak or fatigued to concentrate on their studies, resulting in increased absenteeism from school or Anganwadi centres. Regular deworming has been proven to reduce these negative outcomes, enabling children to attend school regularly and fully engage in their education.

To address this issue on a national scale, the Ministry of Health & Family Welfare, in collaboration with the Department of Women and Child Development and the Department of School Education and Literacy, has launched the National De-Worming Day (NDD) initiative. This program targets all children and adolescents aged 1 to 19 years, providing them with deworming tablets through schools and Anganwadi centres across the country.

The second round of National De-Worming Day 2024 is set to be implemented in the Andaman and Nicobar Islands on August 9, 2024, with a mop-up round scheduled for August 17, 2024. During this period, children will receive the Albendazole tablet, a medication that effectively combats intestinal worms.

Parents across the islands are urged to ensure that their children participate in this vital health initiative by attending school or Anganwadi centres on the designated days. Additionally, the general public is requested to support the efforts of Auxiliary Nurse Midwives (ANMs), Anganwadi workers, and Accredited Social Health Activists (ASHAs) by spreading awareness and encouraging community-wide participation in National De-Worming Day 2024.

This initiative marks another step forward in India’s mission to safeguard the health and future of its children, ensuring they grow up free from the debilitating effects of worm infestation and anaemia.

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