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Teachers of MES School, Azad Nagar Suffer due to Non-Payment of Wages for Past Seven Months

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Rohit Kumar

Port Blair, 18 Sep 2021 

The teachers of the prominent MES School, Azad Nagar, South Andaman are yet to receive their salaries for the past seven months. These teachers recently resorted to protest in front of their school premises after school hours demanding payment of their salaries. 

According to sources, the protest was called off after the School Management spoke to the teachers and assured them that their salaries will be disbursed soon.

MES School, Azad Nagar is one of the two Govt. Aided schools functional in Andaman and Nicobar Islands. Sources also inform that the teachers of Nirmala Senior Secondary School, which is also a Govt. Aided School, are also struggling with their salaries.

The teachers of MES School, Azad Nagar even after facing a lot of difficulties because of non-payment of their salaries have not denied their duties and responsibilities, the protest by these teachers was also staged after school hours.

Sources inform us that there are several teachers of the school who are lone bread earners of their families and these teachers are the ones who are worst affected by the non-payment of their salaries. Further, many teachers have their kids studying in higher education institutions in mainland India and they regularly have to pay the fees of their wards, bear their living expenses. 

The non-payment of wages for the last seven months is the cause of multiple problems being faced by these teachers. 

Nicobar Times tried to enquire about the reasons for the non-payment of wages to these teachers of the Govt. Aided school but couldn’t get a clear response. We have further sent an email to the Director of Education, Andaman and Nicobar Administration enquiring the reason for non-payment of the wages to the teachers of MES School, Azad Nagar, South Andaman and the reply from the Directorate of Education will be updated as soon as it is received.

It is very sad that these teachers even after performing their duties with utmost dedication have to resort to protest to get their legally entitled salaries.

The lives of the teachers of MES School, Azad Nagar are disturbed by the non-payment of their wages from the last seven months. Many teachers are struggling to pay their rent, EMIs, bills etc.

The authorities of the Andaman and Nicobar Administration should intervene and ensure that the teachers are paid their salaries immediately and that in future there is no further delay in payment of their monthly salaries. 

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