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Tool Down Strike by Nagarpalika Swachhatha Karamchari Sangh at Municipal Headquarters

Rohit Kumar

Port Blair, 13 March 2023

Nagarpalika Swachhatha Karamchari Sangh has called for a Tool Down Strike in front of the Municipal Headquarters. Hundreds of workers employed in PBMC as Casual Mazdoors and DRMs have gathered in front of Municipal Headquarters.

Nagarpalika Swachhatha Karamchari Sangh had put forward a list of demands for the welfare of the Casual Mazdoors and DRMs working in PBMC, including the regularisation of Casual Mazdoors and grant of 1/30th Pay to all the DRMs.

On 2nd March 2023, NSKS served notice of strike to PBMC after receiving no response from the authorities on the demands placed by them for the welfare of the employees. NSKS informed that due to no response from the authorities, they are going ahead with the Tool Down Strike in all 24 Wards on 13th March 2023.

NSKS informed that their committee may decide to continue the tool down strike even tomorrow if no favourable response is received from the authorities.

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