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Traders Suffer Losses as Cement Spills Over Ration Packages During Transportation by M.V Chuglam to Campbell Bay

Tarun Karthick

Campbell Bay, 22 July 2022

Traders of Great Nicobar have once again suffered heavy losses as a large quantity of ration articles was found covered by cement in the hatch of M.V Chuglam when the cargo was being unloaded yesterday at Campbell Bay.

According to traders, the cement was kept in the hatch one level above the hatch in which ration articles were being transported. The hatch separators have a considerable gap through which cement can pass from one level to another. Usually, a tarpaulin is laid to avoid spills from commodities like cement onto commodities kept in the hatch below. The traders alleged that no tarpaulin was laid this time while transportation, causing cement spill to pour down into the hatch containing ration articles.

Many important commodities such as wheat flour, rice, sugar etc. got spoilt because of the cement spill. 

The traders alleged that such losses happen due to the negligence of the ship staff who do not perform their duties carefully.

The traders of Great Nicobar get a very thin margin on every commodity because of the additional transportation, re-packing, loading and unloading charges that they have to bear. Such avoidable losses caused by the negligence of the ship staff only adds to their woes.

Earlier this week the traders had complained about their cargo being stolen from the hatch of M.V Kalighat which made them suffer heavy losses.

When Nicobar Times reached Campbell Bay Jetty today, one trader showed us his half-full carton of tea leaves. Almost half of the tea leaves packets were missing from the carton and no one took responsibility. He also showed us other open packages from which items were missing. He complained that his goods were stolen from the hatch of M.V Chuglam.

Some other traders gathered and informed that they also faced the same problem, their goods were missing too. 

The traders said the ship staff is responsible for their spoilt cargo and missing items and demanded strict action against them.

The traders informed that they do not feel it’s safe to transport cargo by DSS Ships, but they have no choice as the frequency of private cargo ships is very less.

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