Training and Demonstration-cum-Input Distribution Programmes Conducted at Car Nicobar by ICAR-CIARI & KVK Nicobar

Mohammed Saheed

Car Nicobar, 05 August 2022

ICAR-Central Island Agricultural Research Institute, Port Blair in collaboration with KVK, Nicobar conducted various training programmes on hygienic handling practices in fisheries and demonstration-cum-input distribution to promote small-scale fishing activities of tribal fishermen at Tamaloo and Big Lapathy villages from 30th July to 1st August. The training programmes were inaugurated by Mr. Manuah Thomas, First Headman of Big Lapathy on 30th July and Mr. Paul Benjamin, First Headman of Tamaloo on 31st July. 

Essential fishing inputs were distributed by the Chief Guest, Mr. Lionald Nicomed, Chairman, Tribal Council, Car Nicobar during the demonstration cum input distribution programme held at Big Lapathy on 01st August.

A demonstration of the use of the fishing inputs distributed to the tribal fishermen was conducted by the scientific team comprising of Dr. K. Saravanan from ICAR-CIARI, Port Blair and Mr. Mohamed Sarief from KVK, Car Nicobar. During the inaugural address, Mr. Lionald Nicomed, Chairman, Tribal Council, Car Nicobar appreciated the efforts of ICAR-CIARI to provide technical backstopping along with the essential fishing inputs for the benefit of tribal fishermen of these remote Islands and also urged the fishermen and participants to harness maximum benefit from these programmes.

Various topics on the hygienic handling of fish and advanced methods of responsible fishing were explained to the fishermen. 

Tribal Fishermen actively participated in the programmes and the queries raised by them were addressed by the experts. 

Altogether, 248 fishermen participated in the programmes. The programmes were conducted under the guidance of Dr. Eaknath B. Chakurkar, Director, ICAR-CIARI by a team comprising of Dr. K. Saravanan, Dr. R. Kiruba Sankar, Dr. J. Praveenraj, Dr. Y. Ramakrishna and Mr. Mohamed Sarief.