Training Programme on Bee Hive Box Manufacturing Held in Car Nicobar

Tarun Karthick

Port Blair, 09 July 2024

The Zonal Agriculture Office in Car Nicobar, in collaboration with the Industries Department, successfully organized a comprehensive five-day training programme on ‘Manufacturing of Bee Hive Boxes’. The event, held from July 3 to 8, 2024, took place at the Carpentry Section of the Industries Training Centre, located in Big Lapathy, Car Nicobar.

The primary objective of the training was to encourage local farmers and Agriculture Department personnel to adopt beekeeping as a viable agricultural practice. It also aimed at enhancing the participants’ skills in manufacturing bee hive boxes, thereby promoting self-sufficiency in this essential aspect of beekeeping.

Car Nicobar, renowned for its organic environment, provides an ideal setting for beekeeping due to its natural conditions conducive to such activities. The Agriculture Department has been actively promoting beekeeping among farmers, highlighting its benefits in enhancing crop production through pollination.

The training programme was attended by a total of five departmental staff members and one farmer. Throughout the duration of the programme, participants engaged in practical sessions and theoretical lectures, focusing on the manufacturing techniques of bee hive boxes.

On the concluding day of the training, participants were briefed about various government schemes aimed at supporting pollination through beekeeping, as well as other initiatives under High Value Agriculture.

The successful completion of the training programme marks a significant step towards empowering local farmers and Agriculture Department personnel with the necessary skills to foster sustainable agricultural practices in Car Nicobar.