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TSG Bhasker Highlights Critical Shortage of Veterinary Staff in Diglipur and Kalighat

Tarun Karthick

Port Blair, 28 June 2024

Chairman of the ANTCC Campaign Committee, Mr. TSG Bhasker, has drawn attention to the pressing issue of staff shortages in the veterinary hospitals of Diglipur and Kalighat. In a letter addressed to the Chief Secretary of the A&N Administration on Monday, Mr. Bhasker underscored the urgent need for more veterinary doctors and compounders in the region.

Mr. Bhasker pointed out that the Veterinary Hospital in Naveen Nagar is currently staffed by only one doctor, which is insufficient to meet the needs of the large number of domestic animals being brought in for care. He emphasized that the lack of compounders is further hampering the hospital’s ability to function effectively.

“With the increasing number of residents engaging in poultry, dairying, goatery, and piggery on the islands, the shortage of veterinary doctors and compounders is becoming more acute. This shortage is adversely affecting animal care across the islands,” Mr. Bhasker stated.

In his letter, Mr. Bhasker also suggested the establishment of an X-ray facility at the Veterinary Hospital in Naveen Nagar to improve animal diagnosis capabilities.

Additionally, he urged the Chief Secretary to consider implementing a one-year crash course in veterinary sciences on the islands. This would serve as an alternative to the mandatory diploma course required for recruitment, which is currently unavailable at any college in the A&N Islands. Such a course would enable more local youths to qualify for these positions.

Concluding his letter, Mr. Bhasker requested the immediate appointment of two additional doctors at the Veterinary Hospital in Naveen Nagar and the hiring of 16 more compounders for all veterinary hospitals in the Diglipur and Kalighat region. He stressed that these appointments should be made on a priority basis to address the critical shortage and improve animal care services in the area.

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